Vesta Foodservice has procured delivery boxes and aluminum pans with lids that will be used to collect, store, and transport meals for donation. Each “kit” includes an outside cardboard box lined in plastic, three separate aluminum pans with lids, and two layer pads to provide extra support between the stacked aluminum pans. Each kit will have a unique Vesta Foodservice proprietary bar code label on it to track donations. The exterior cardboard box will also have a simple label printed directly on it for chefs to check off useful information about the meal contents of each box within, essentially “Pan 1, Pan 2, and Pan 3.” Chefs can then label each aluminum pan with a “1, 2, or 3” with a marker directly on the lid to correspond with the contents information. The contents label on the box is simple:

Kit Contents:
1 X corrugated outer box lined in a plastic bag
3 X aluminum pans
3 X aluminum lids
2 X layer pads
How To Load The Kit:
Fill each aluminum pan with food, secure lids and label each lid with a 1, 2, or 3
Place the aluminum pans inside the bag lining the corrugated outer box with one layer pad in between each pan for support
Fill out the contents information on the outside of the corrugated box for each pan, 1, 2, and 3 and tie the bag tightly once all three aluminum pans are inside
Seal the box and store refrigerated, or as required, until returning to your Vesta Foodservice driver for donation
Please note – Each kit should be filled (all 3 pans at least 3/4 full) and returned within 2 days to prevent spoilage.
To reorder kits, use Vesta Foodservice item # 15745, “Chefs to End Hunger Kit”
Helpful Links
Feeding America
CA Association of Food Banks
Save the Food
Food Waste Reduction Alliance
EPA Food Recovery Challenge
Food Tank
WWF Toolkit