We have all heard it countless times before: up to 40 percent of the food in the United States is never eaten each year, yet one in nine Americans struggle to put enough food on their plates.
The monumental moment to shift our focus from awareness to action is now. So, how do we move from mere information about this paradoxical challenge to transformation to a more efficient, equitable and dignified food system for the sake of our economy, our planet and our people? Drawing on a data-driven, solutions-oriented analysis and multistakeholder network, the 2019 Food Waste Summit hosted by ReFED paved the path to progress by bringing together the necessary stakeholders to unlock the $100 billion+ opportunity to reduce food waste in half by 2030. The Summit took place at City View, METREON in San Francisco, CA, on October 28-30th 2019.
Here are some of the highlights from the event that herald why ReFED, the only nonprofit wholly dedicated to reducing U.S. food waste, is at the forefront of catalyzing solutions that can be achieved collaboratively.